Touchdown Dipolog City after 518.1 kms. from Dahilayan, Manolo Fortich. We weren’t able to update you guys after the yesterdays 1st day test ride of the New Suzuki Raider J Crossover due to bad signal. But rest assured we will be posting what happened yesterday later. Today is more on road test. Fuel efficiency of the bike. On a 70 kilo rider, an average of 57 kms. /liter was proven yesterday on a fast pace run. There was even part of the ride that I was in full throttle for about 2 to 3 minutes straight. In short we wanted to test the fuel efficiency w time. So imagine how many more kilometers this new model can run on just an average speed. The reason we wanted to test it on a full throttle, is that this bike is design not only for on-road but for off-road as well. So regardless you squeeze the throttle all d time, thats is the gasoline consumption that you can expect. Regarding the power of the engine and the suspension system, you can read our review on the 1st day ride which will be posted later…..